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Personal Trainer & Online Coach



From a very young age Danie was influenced to be involved within the fitness industry due to her Mum being a Fitness Instructor. She encouraged her to be involved in a vast variety of sports, some of which included playing football, netball, trampolining, swimming to competing in County Athletic competitions, you name it she's probably done it!  Any type of sport that was available throughout school, Danie was the first to put her hand up!  (including playing basketball with a whole team of boys!)


Her mums passion for health and wellbeing was contagious and it inspired her to become a Personal Trainer herself. She has a strong desire to help others build this same level of passion.


As a Level 2 & 3 qualified Personal Trainer her ethos is to support and encourage you throughout your journey and to make you feel more body confident, whilst building a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. She strongly believes that you can achieve amazing results whilst still enjoying your life and becoming passionate about your wellbeing.


People think her Mum and her are sisters which is a huge compliment to her Mum, considering she's double her age! Unfortunately, she has inherited her Dad's ugly big toes which in a way she's kind of thankful for as she's able to kick a football pretty well!


She would love to share the knowledge she has learnt over the years and to teach you how to create a healthy lifestyle, find food freedom and gain body confidence. Come and start your journey with Danie today and learn how to create a better you whilst achieving your health and fitness goals!


Look forward to hearing how we can help you! 


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Follow Danie on instagram @danieplatt

Follow Danie on TikTok @danieplatt

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